Generals Zero Hour Patch
Posted : adminOn 2/12/2018Hello Commanders, It's recently come to my attention that a good handful of you haven't been introduced to the v1.06 Zero Hour Community Update patch for Generals. Description: C&C: Generals - Zero Hour v1.03 Patch The version 1.03 patch for the expansion to Command & Conquer: Generals updates your RTS title with fixes, twelve new multiplayer maps and much more. This is the official patch version 1.04 for C&C Generals: Zero Hour. File name: GeneralsZH-104-english.exe.
This is the official patch version 1. Rip Sacd Iso To Flac Software. 04 for C&C Generals: Zero Hour. File name: GeneralsZH-104-english.exe.
Zero Hour Community Patch 1.06 1.06 is a community created balance patch for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour. It came about after Electronic Arts abandoned Zero Hour on version 1.04 in a abysmal state of imbalance and monotony.
1.06 maintains the fast paced aggressive play of Zero Hour while allowing for a greater variety of viable strategies and equalizing all factions. It also has the excellent feature of not requiring a reinstall of ZeroHour and allowing you to easily switch between 1.04 and 1.06 as you please.A full list of the changes can be read at: All credits for the work go to.
Hello Commanders, It's recently come to my attention that a good handful of you haven't been introduced to the v1.06 Zero Hour Community Update patch for Generals: Zero Hour. In this guide I'm going to explain what it does and how to install it. NOTICE: This patch is optimized to fix multiplayer balancing issues and can make the single player Generals Challenge extremely difficult due to the fact that it uses a different information pool for certain units. This patch will also make your copy incompatible with v1.04 versions for multiplayer, but this can be undone easily and I'll go over it later in the guide. This has a full list of changes from 1.04 to 1.06.
I recommend reading through it even if you don't intend on installing the patch, as it offers some valuable insight as to how game mechanics work. DETAILS: This patch tweaks damage output, armor, pricing, and other features of nearly every unit archetype in Zero Hour to create a more balances experience for online play. These changes range from nerfing Rockvee spam to restructuring the Generals Points system and giving the Stealth Fighter a solid role. Most amazingly, Auroras and Aurora Alphas are no longer the bane of every online match, yet they're still quite competent against most targets. It also fixes some issues I didn't even know existed, like the Mig reloading bugs and the supply drop zone exploit. HOW TO INSTALL: Provided are the steps I used to update the Origin version of C&C Generals: Zero Hour from 1.04 to 1.06. To check what version number your copy is on, open the game, go to the OPTIONS menu, and look under the ACCEPT button in the lower middle.