Netdom 1.8

Posted : adminOn 3/2/2018
Netdom 1.8 Rating: 6,0/10 3949votes

Hello All, I have a batch file I created not all too long ago that does exactly what I need it to do, but recently, I added another two lines to it, in hopes to rename a computer and this is causing a problem for me. I can run that same exact netdom command using powershell and it works, but if I try to run the following, it completes with an error code 8: insufficient memory. I've isolated the problem by running just the netdom command in a.bat by itself and I get the same thing. If I try to call a rename from a powershell script within a.bat, I don't receive an error code, but the rename doesn't execute. Any ideas what's wrong with my.bat below, more specifically, the last two lines?

Netdom 2012

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I actually got it to work. I tried explicitly setting both the computer name variable and serial number variable and then running netdom with both variables and that didn't work either. Are Wifi Sd Cards Good. To simplify the line as much as I possibly could think of, I just tried this as well, which also returns error code 8: for /f 'skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,'%%A in ('wmic systemenclosure get serialnumber /FORMAT:csv') do (netdom renamecomputer '%%COMPUTERNAME%%' /NewName:'NYC-%%A' /UserD:Doman AdminAcct /PasswordD:AdminPassword /Force /REBoot) ^ This is pretty obscure to me- I really have no idea what the problem would be at this point. Ah, yes, I overlooked that. I just ran the following, which - shown with echo - seems to not load any of the variables in the netdom execution portion: for /f%%i in (computerlist. Ing Movies And Tv Shows. Adobe Photoshop Plugins Ultimate Collection Windows. txt) do psexec%%i -s -i cmd /c (^ for /f 'skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,'%%A in ('wmic os get csname /FORMAT:csv') do (set 'CNAME=%%A') ^ & for /f 'skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,'%%B in ('wmic systemenclosure get serialnumber /FORMAT:csv') do (set 'SERIAL=%%B') ^ & netdom renamecomputer%CNAME% /NewName:NYC-%SERIAL% /UserD:Domain DomainAdmin /PasswordD:AdminPassword /Force /REBoot ^ ). I think psexec is complicating things here. If I just run the following, I can execute the name change; the only issue I have left seems to be loading%serial% into the netdom command-- it's coming up blank when I execute: for /f%%i in (computerlist.txt) do (for /f 'skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,'%%A in ('wmic /node:%%i os get csname /FORMAT:csv') do (set 'CNAME=%%A')) ^ & for /f 'skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,'%%B in ('wmic /node:%CNAME% systemenclosure get serialnumber /FORMAT:csv') do (set 'SERIAL=%%B') ^ & netdom renamecomputer%CNAME% /NewName:NYC-%SERIAL% /UserD:Domain DomainAdminAcct /PasswordD:AdminPassword /Force /REBoot.

Netdom 1.8